The Short Talk Session
The Short Talk Session
Presenter List
A Snap Shot of Neuroscience2014 Poster Sessions
Neuroscience2014 will be implementing a new Short Talk Session, designed to provide participants with a brief overview of poster sessions prior to the formal poster session time to stimulate and encourage dialogue. We hope that the poster session overviews will allow participants to briefly digest and assess their interests, while enabling participants to efficiently navigate through the poster session, setting the stage for further rigorous exchange.
Presentation Details:
- Language: English
- Presentations will be given consecutively; each participant will be allotted one minute.
- Please prepare your data in Microsoft PowerPoint (Windows PowerPoint 2007/2010/2013) and make sure to preview your presentation data.
- Your presentation data file should be named as <Session Number> <Name>.ppt.
- Data Preview: Please come to “Data Preview”, located on the 3rd floor Foyer area in Pacifico Yokohama. We kindly ask all presenters to check in data at least 60 -30 minutes prior to your presentation.
- Remote presentation system is equipped in the session room. You have a TFT monitor, mouse and USB keyboard on the podium to operate your presentation.
- If you use the Secretariat’s PC
- Only USB flash memories and CD-R are accepted.
*MOs, floppy disks, and CD-RWs cannot be accepted.
- Your media should contain only the presentation data for the Congress.
- Windows7 is the only operating system available for the presentations.
*If you have prepared the presentation data on a Macintosh, you are requested to bring your own computer.
- If your presentation contains any movie files, you are also requested to bring your own computer.
- Audio playback is not possible.
- If your presentation data is linked to other files (i.e. still or moving images, graphs, etc.), those linked files should also be saved in the same folder, and the links checked beforehand.
- The Secretariat is responsible for destroying all copies of any data after the session.
- Please visit our “Data Preview” room, before your session to test your data including video files. You are requested to leave your computer to our skilled technicians in the session room at least 10 mins before your presentation starts.
- Please bring your AC adapter with you.
- The Secretariat will prepare a Mini D-sub 15 pin PC cable connector. If your PC is not compatible with this cable connector, please bring an adaptor to connect your PC to the Mini D-sub 15 pin PC cable connector.
- Please make sure to unlock your password on your computer.
- Please also bring your presentation data on a media (either on USB flash memory or CD-R) as a backup file.